In arrivo la sesta patch per Dragon Age: Inquisition
Migliorerà la stabilità generale del gioco.
È in arrivo una nuova patch per l'RPG Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Bioware ha infatti pubblicato le novità dell'aggiornamento sul suo sito ufficiale, e ve le riproponiamo qui sotto in lingua inglese.
In sostanza, la patch 6 correggerà alcuni bug e migliorerà la stabilità in generale del gioco; l'aggiornamento sarà disponibile su tutte le piattaforme anche se come riporta Gamespot ci sono alcune migliorie specifiche per la versione PC.
- Enabled binding of additional mouse buttons for mice with more than two buttons.
- Fixed issue that caused abilities to not be usable in tactical mode when using mouse look toggle.
- Fixed issue that caused mouse look toggle to turn off during looting.
- Fixed issue that prevented resurrecting characters who had died in deep water.
- Fixed issue that could cause the journal to act in unexpected ways when expanding categories with the mouse.
Improved Stability:
- Changed Solas's quest "What Lies Dormant" to trigger when reading the after-action report for "Measure Veil Strength" instead of when the time completes.
- Fixed issue that could break the "Perseverance" quest in certain circumstances.
- Fixed case where the GUI did not come back after opting out of light conversations in certain circumstances.
- Adjusted position of mosaic pieces for "The Fall" so they can all be collected.
- Fixed issue that caused some dragonlings in the Hinterlands to become non-hostile when the dragon was killed.
- Fixed issue that caused the cave opened by the Abyssal High Dragon to become closed again in certain circumstances.
- Buffed the Katari multiplayer kit slightly so that it has more HP and generates guard on hit.
- Fixed issue where Shatter and Rupture combos would be reported twice in multiplayer session stats.
- Made change to prevent players from salvaging items that are equipped by other character kits in multiplayer.