Aggiornamento eShop Nintendo del 7 dicembre
Ecco i titoli che entreranno a far parte dello store questa settimana.
Come di consuetudine, vi proponiamo le nuove entrate settimanali negli eShop Nintendo 3DS e Wii u.
"I Big Three" sono sicuramente il tanto atteso FAST Racing NEO per Wii U, SteamWorld Heist e Terraria per Nintendo 3DS. A seguire la lista completa delle new entry:
Wii U/p>
- FAST Racing NEO (Shin'en Multimedia): €14.99/£10.99
- Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (ScrewAttack Games): €9.99/£8.99
- Dinox (Engine Software): €4.99/£4.49
- Voxel Maker (Nostatic Software): €4.49/£3.49
Wii U Virtual Console
- Game & Watch Gallery Advance (Nintendo, GameBoy Advance): €6.99/£6.29
- Polarium Advance (Nintendo, GameBoy Advance): €6.99/£6.29
Nintendo 3DS
- SteamWorld Heist (Image & Form): €16.99/£11.99 (Ends December 31st, normally €19.99/£14.99)
- Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (ScrewAttack Games): €9.99/£8.99
- Terraria (505 Games): €19.99/£16.99
- Petit Novel series - Harvest December (CIRCLE Ent.): €11.99/£9.19
- Rytmik Ultimate (Cinemax) - €17.99/£15.99 (€9.99/£8.99 if you downloaded The Keep on the same Nintendo Network ID. Ends on December 24th)
- The Magic Hammer (Wobbly Tooth) - €4.99/£4.49
Quale di questi titoli acquisterete questa settimana?
Fonte: My Nintendo News