In arrivo un nuovo aggiornamento per la versione Switch di Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night
Andrà a risolvere alcuni bug del gioco.
Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night riceverà il 15 luglio un nuovo importante aggiornamento per la versione Nintendo Switch che andrà a risolvere alcuni bug che affliggono il titolo. La patch andrà a lavorare anche sull'ottimizzazione del prodotto.
Come riporta WCCFTECH, di seguito vi riportiamo i punti principali del pacth note:
- Map close button has been remapped to standard exit/close button
- Marker button has been changed
- Trail display button has been changed
- Map scroll speed improved
- Zoom in and zoom out improved
- Zoom level retained when reopening the map
- Auto-center when opening the map
- Bug fix: No longer displaying enemies for completed quests
Migliorie Switch
- HD Rumble issues in certain areas of the game have been fixed
- Enabled Traditional Chinese language option
- Fixed instances where the game would crash while transitioning between rooms
- Work has been done on the technical "non-visible" side of things to improve input delay, stability, and various optimizations. The teams are continuing to work on these items and we'll have future updates and plans to share soon.
Nintendo Switch (Status-fix being tested)
- The fix is currently in test, the submission date we were working toward has been delayed due to a graphical bug that has reemerged.
- We anticipate testing will be completed by next week, which would mean an ETA of public release during the week of July 15, 2019.
Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night è disponibile su PC, Xbox One, PS4 e Nintendo Switch, se volete saperne di più vi rimandiamo alla nostra recensione.
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