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AMD pubblica i nuovi driver Catalyst 15.3 Beta

Arriva il supporto alla tecnologia AMD Freesync.

AMD ha da poco pubblicato i nuovi driver Catalyst 15.3 Beta per le proprie schede video. Chi fosse interessato a scaricarli può andare direttamente sul sito ufficiale di AMD.

Di seguito pubblichiamo il changelog completo dei nuovi driver 15.3 Beta.

  • Supporto alla tecnologia AMD Freesync per le configurazioni a singola GPU
  • Mixed Rotation Eyefinity per le schede della serie Radeon R9 285
  • Nuovi profili Crossfire per Battlefield Hardline, Evolve, Far Cry 4, Lords of the Fallen, Project Cars eTotal War: Attila
  • Aggiornamento dei profili Crossfire per Alien Isolation, Assassin's Creed Unity, Civilization - Beyond Earth, FIFA 2015, Grid, Autosport, Ryse: Son of Rome, Talos Principle e The Crew

I problemi risolti dai driver sono:

  • [412702] Screens may blank out when enabling a 3×1 SLS with 3 HDMI monitors
  • [411847] Leadwerks : Project Manager crashes with a "Pure Virtual Function Call" error
  • [413076] Second Life : Rigged mesh objects are not rendered correctly when hardware skinning is enabled in the in game settings
  • [413392] Star Trek Online : Block corruption is experienced when MSAA is enabled in the in game settings
  • [410367] System hangs/BSOD upon resuming from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Radeon™ R9 285 configured in AMD CrossFire™ mode
  • [410293] With AMD CrossFire™ enabled, Timeout Detection Recovery (TDR) occurs during actual gameplay when YouTube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox
  • [407622] Screen tearing on enabling VSync with Alien: Isolation game
  • [407175] Catalyst Control Center Video Quality settings may not be available or retained if the "Enforce Smooth Video Playback" option is not selected on some AMD HD series GPU's.
  • [410391] Primary display may not be retained after disabling Crossfire while in Eyefinity mode
  • [409705] Enabling or disabling Crossfire may lead to one side of the 4K MST display being shown as black
  • [410393] Minor stuttering may be seen in Dragon Age Inquisition on Single and Multi GPU configurations?
  • [414660] Total War : Attilla - The game may hang during in game cinematics on certain Kaveri platforms with a separate discrete GPU
  • [414120] The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim : Fog / Clouds may flicker on Radeon HD 5800 series products

Fonte: Dark Side Of Gaming

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Pier Giorgio Liprino: Per far felice Pier Giorgio basta parlargli di politica, scienza e videogiochi. A questi ultimi s'è avvicinato da bambino giocando ad Age of Empires 2 e da allora è rimasto un appassionato PC gamer, con uno sguardo attento alle console.
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