Annunciati i candidati ai Games Media Awards
La cerimonia di premiazione il 15 ottobre.
Sono stati annunciati i finalisti candidati a vincere i Games Media Awards, che verranno assegnati il prossimo 15 ottobre alla Bloomsbury Ballroom di Londra.
I premi sono divisi in varie categorie e sono dedicati ai diversi campi dell'informazione videoludica. Il gruppo Eurogamer è in lizza come "Editorial Team Of The Year - Online".
La sezione Gamer's Choice raccoglie i migliori 10 pezzi pubblicati quest'anno, selezionati dal pubblico: se conoscete abbastanza bene l'inglese, sono delle ottime letture.
News Writer
- Dave Cook
- Edwin Evans-Thirlwell
- Matthew Reynolds
- mcspotlights
- Tom Phillips
- Wesley Yin-Poole
Features Writer
- Christian Donlan
- Keith Stuart
- Mark Brown
- Martyn McLaughlin
- Simon Parkin
- Stuart Dredge
Games Critic
- Andy Kelly
- Chris Schilling
- Harry Slater
- Keza MacDonald
- Matt Kamen
- Matthew Castle
- Nathan Brown
Rising Star - sponsored by SEGA
- Angus Morrison
- Hamish Todd
- Jim Trinca
- Kirk McKeand
- Luke Marmali
- Ria Jenkins
Podcast or Radio Show
- Chet and Jon's Reassuringly Finite Playlist
- Daft Souls
- Game On
- GlitchFreeGaming
- One Life Left
- StickTwiddlers Podcast
- The Explosive Alan Podcast
- The Sausage Factory
- App Spy
- BitSocket
- Expert Super Guide
- Matt Lees
- Other Places
- Outside Xbox
- VideoGamer TV
- GTA V O'clock
Editorial Team - Print
- Edge
- gamesTM
- Official PlayStation Magazine
- PC Gamer
- The Observer
Editorial Team Of The Year - Online
- Eurogamer
- Kotaku UK
- PC GamesN
- RockPaperShotgun
- Total Xbox
Gamer's Choice - powered by Playfire
- The Real Games Journalist interviews Mike Bithell by Gav Murphy for CVG
- Inside Monopoly's Secret War Against the Third Reich by Christian Donlan for Eurogamer
- Disabled Gamers: Part of Your World by Jordan Erica Webber for Kotaku UK
- Hands-on with Fiona Bruce: BBC uploads the UK's favourite news personality to Oculus Rift by Steve Hogarty for PC Games N
- Dragon Age's first 'fully gay' character by Aoife Wilson for OXM Blog
- American Roads and Game Design: A Love Letter by Cara Ellison for Kotaku UK
- The Video Game Invasion of Iraq by Simon Parkin for The New Yorker
- The Last Of Us: Left Behind is a masterful, affectionate and poignant farewell by Chris Schilling for Edge Online
- Chico's Tape 4 by Ria Jenkins
- Day Z: An Anthropological Study by Angus Morrison for RE:Roll