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Minecraft: disponibile la patch 2.0 per Wii U

Risolti numerosi problemi.

Finalmente è disponibile la patch 2.0 per la versione Wii U di Minecraft.

La nuova patch, la seconda da quando è stato pubblicato il gioco sulla console Nintendo, è disponibile da ora e risolve numerosi problemi. Una lista completa delle modifiche apportate è stata pubblicata su e potete leggerla qui di seguito:

  • Fix for a problem with the analog sticks when using 3rd party Pro controllers
  • Fix for a crash after playing for an extensive time
  • Fix for a hang when losing internet connection while in an online game
  • Fix for a graphical issue when looking through opaque colored Glass Blocks
  • Fix to enable Game Chat through the gamepad even if it isn't being used by one of the active players
  • Fix for an issue when disabling the Game Chat option while in an online game
  • Fix for an issue with the Game Chat option in splitscreen
  • Fix for an issue with input when a splitscreen player is using the system keyboard
  • Fix for an issue when copying saves with no space available
  • Fix for issues when the user deletes one of the Favorite Mii characters
  • Display Japanese names for DLC in the in-game shop in Japan, rather than English names
  • Fix for a graphical corruption issue in the in-game Skin Selector menu
  • Fix for an issue with the flowing water texture in the Festive Mash-up Pack
  • Fixed issue with the left stick input while in Edit Layer and Add Layer in the Superflat World creation menu
  • Corrected some text in the eManual

Avete già provato la Story Mode di Minecraft?
