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Nuova patch per Tomb Raider in versione PC

Ancora più TressFX che in passato.

Tomb Raider in versione PC è stato aggiornato per la seconda volta in due settimane.

La nuova patch include dei miglioramenti sia per la campagna, sia per il multiplayer. Sistema anche alcuni problemi legato al TressFX, la tecnologia che rende incredibilmente realistici i capelli di Lara.

Ecco la lista completa dei cambiamenti, in lingua inglese.

  • Addressed an issue in "Shipwreck Beach" where the mast on the wooden ship was occasionally missing depending on the player's path.
  • Fixed a gating issue in "Research Bunker" where the elevator would get stuck in an unintended state.
  • Fixes for multiplayer connectivity
  • An issue related to security certificates that stopped many users from connection to Square Enix servers was resolved.
  • Improved messages when you are unable to connect with Square Enix servers.
  • Improvements to voice-chat for multiplayer
  • New Push-To-Talk feature, by default mapped to F1.
  • New voice-chat volume option.
  • Improved overall quality of voice-chat.
  • Fixes for crashes on startup in specific situations when no audio output is available.
  • Fixes for various reported crashes during both single-player and multi-player.
  • Movies are showing up again when using SSAA.
  • Cost of TressFX reduced, especially in combination with SSAA.
  • TressFX memory usage reduced for AMD Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround setups.
  • TressFX simulation and graphical quality improvements.
  • New Ultra-quality shadow mode for contact hardening shadows. This is not enabled by default in any quality profile, but can be enabled from the advanced settings.
  • Improvements to fullscreen/windowed switching and multiple display handling.
  • Various UI improvements.
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Luca Forte: Luca si divide tra la gestione del ruspante e l'infestare Eurogamer con i suoi giudizi sui giochi sportivi, Civilization, Fire Emblem, Persona e Football Manager. Inviato d'assalto, si diverte a rovinare le anteprime video dei concorrenti di tutto il mondo in modo da fare sembrare le sue più belle.
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