Nuove offerte di Square Enix per i dispositivi iOS
Il Natale secondo il publisher nipponico.
Square Enix ha lanciato una serie di nuove offerte relative al suo catalogo di titoli per iOS.
Tra le migliori proposte figurano naturalmente la serie Final Fantasy e Chaos Rings. Ma date un'occhiata di seguito per l'elenco completo degli sconti!
- Chaos Rings: £2.49/€3.59/$3.99
- Chaos Rings (iPad): £2.99/€4.49/$4.99
- Chaos Rings Omega: £2.49/€3.59/$3.99
- Chaos Rings Omega (iPad): £2.99/€4.49/$4.99
- Chaos Rings II: £6.99/€8.99/$9.99
- Chaos Rings II (iPad): £7.49/€9.99/$10.99
- Chocobo Panic: £1.49/€1.79/$1.99
- Chrono Trigger: £4.99/€5.99/$6.99
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions: £5.49/€6.99/$7.99
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (iPad): £5.99/€7.99/$8.99
- Hill and Rivers Remain: £1.99/€2.69/$2.99
- Sliding Heros: Free
- Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes - Encore: £2.99/€4.49/$4.99
- Summer Story: £2.49/€3.59/$3.99
- Vanguard Storm: £1.49/€1.79/$1.99
- Voice Fantasy: £0.69/€0.89/$0.99
- 774 Deaths: £0.69/€0.89/$0.99
- Drakerider (full package only): £10.99/€14.49/$15.99
- The World Ends With You: Solo Remix: £8.99/€11.99/$12.99
- The World Ends With You: Solo Remix (iPad): £9.99/€12.99/$13.99
Fortune Street:
- App: £2.99/€4.49/$4.99
- Map: £1.99/€2.69/$2.99