Pokemon GO: ecco il nuovo aggiornamento
Versione 1.47.1 / 0.77.1.
Il nuovo aggiornamento di Pokemon GO sta arrivando, annuncia Nintendoeverything.
Su iOS sarà la versione 1.47.1, mentre su Android la 0.77.1.
L'aggiornamento include bug fix, e numerosi altri cambiamenti.
Vediamoli nel dettaglio:
- A confirmation dialogue now appears when attempting to transfer costumed Pokémon.
- Costumed Pokémon can no longer be mass-transferred.
- Resolved a bug causing occasional network errors while battling in Gyms.
- Resolved a bug causing Raid Battle lobbies to display the incorrect number of Trainers preparing for battle.
- Resolved a bug causing the Pokémon selected in the Raid Battle lobby to be reset after clicking the items button.
- Resolved a bug where some Curveballs weren't registering properly.
- Various bug fixes and performance updates.