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PUBG: disponibile la mappa Vikendi per tutti e altre novità

13 GB di patch disponibili da oggi.

Vikendi (nuova mappa invernale 6x6) è disponibile da oggi per tutti i giocatori PC di PUBG ma le novità non finiscono qui.

Come riporta VG247, il nuovo aggiornamento introduce il fucile d'assalto G36 al posto dello SCAR, le motoslitte, un sistema in-game di replay, oltre al solito lavoro di correzione di bug ed ottimizzazione delle prestazioni. Sarà inoltre introdotto un nuovo sistema di progressione e di gradi, oltre al miglioramento dell'interfaccia utente. Di seguito vi riportiamo le novità più importanti, se siete curiosi vi lasciamo a disposizione il changelog completo.

Replay Editor

  • This system allows you to create dynamic video clips with creative camera angles and special effects using your replay files
  • You can also create 3D paths for the camera and camera angles and export clips

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where each weapon had a different delay between reloading and being able to fire
  • Fixed an issue which caused vehicles to sometimes pass through players, when rolling down a hill
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the system menu from opening when clicking a specific spot on the button
  • Fixed an issue when laying prone right next to a wall, your weapon could move through the wall in FPP
  • Fixed an issue when spectating a player who died in Replay Mode, the follow camera stopped working
  • Fixed an issue which caused sudden frame drops temporarily when quickly toggling voice/sound options repeatedly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the region indicator in-game beneath the health bar to display as "UNKNOWN"
  • Region indicator will now not be shown until before the match countdown starts
  • Fixed an issue which caused character animations to look unnatural when players were pushed by a vehicle moving down a hill
  • Fixed an issue caused after restarting the lobby with 'Open Crate' and 'Preview' buttons displaying on the left side of the screen in the Store Inventory page
  • Fixed an issue which caused the camera to fall into the ground in replay mode after parachuting
  • Fixed an issue where the angle of the spectated player's view was different from that of the player


  • Optimized foliage and vegetation rendering
  • Improved CPU performance by optimizing the object creation process
  • Improved GPU performance for Medium and Low options by adjusting graphic quality related to the 'Post Processing' with those settings (tuned HBAO+)

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