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Splatoon: l'aggiornamento 2.4.0 arriverà domani

E ci sarà un periodo di manutenzione.

Nintendo ha annunciato i dettagli dell'aggiornamento 2.4.0 per Splatoon.

L'update sarà disponibile da domani e sarà accompagnato da un periodo di manutenzione dei server, afferma NintendoEverything.

Fortunatamente per gli utenti italiani, la manutenzione avverà tra le 1:50 e le 3 della notte di venerdì 18 dicembre, cioè domani.

Eccovi le note complete della patch:

Matchmaking Adjustments:

  • In Regular Battle and Splatfest, players of similar skill will be matched more often.

Rainmaker Adjustments:

    • Added prohibited areas in Walleye Warehouse, Saltspray Rig, Arowana Mall, and Flounder Heights in Rainmaker mode.
      • When players enter the prohibited area while carrying the Rainmaker, the amount of time they are allowed to hold the Rainmaker will decrease faster as a penalty.

Stage Adjustments:

  • Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
  • Port Mackerel: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
  • Flounder Heights: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
  • Museum D'Alfonsino: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Rainmaker mode.

Battle Fixes:

  • Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which the countdown moves more than usual when a player gets the Rainmaker in the air.
  • Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which the bombs' blast waves inflict damage on the Rainmaker shield even when there are obstacles between the bomb and the shield.
  • Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which Splash Walls placed near each other by the same team take damage when one of them blocks an ink splat.
  • Fix the issue in which bombs that are thrown near a wall do not fly straight and makes contact with the wall.


  • Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
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Alex Franchini: La sua passione per i videogiochi e la musica risale all'infanzia. PCista ma non di parte, approfitta di ogni occasione per fare paragoni con Dark Souls. Lo si può occasionalmente trovare alla guida di auto da corsa virtuali con risultati imbarazzanti.
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