Splatoon: l'aggiornamento 2.4.0 arriverà domani
E ci sarà un periodo di manutenzione.
Nintendo ha annunciato i dettagli dell'aggiornamento 2.4.0 per Splatoon.
L'update sarà disponibile da domani e sarà accompagnato da un periodo di manutenzione dei server, afferma NintendoEverything.
Fortunatamente per gli utenti italiani, la manutenzione avverà tra le 1:50 e le 3 della notte di venerdì 18 dicembre, cioè domani.
Eccovi le note complete della patch:
Matchmaking Adjustments:
- In Regular Battle and Splatfest, players of similar skill will be matched more often.
Rainmaker Adjustments:
- Added prohibited areas in Walleye Warehouse, Saltspray Rig, Arowana Mall, and Flounder Heights in Rainmaker mode.
- When players enter the prohibited area while carrying the Rainmaker, the amount of time they are allowed to hold the Rainmaker will decrease faster as a penalty.
Stage Adjustments:
- Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
- Port Mackerel: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
- Flounder Heights: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
- Museum D'Alfonsino: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Rainmaker mode.
Battle Fixes:
- Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which the countdown moves more than usual when a player gets the Rainmaker in the air.
- Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which the bombs' blast waves inflict damage on the Rainmaker shield even when there are obstacles between the bomb and the shield.
- Fix the issue in Rainmaker mode in which Splash Walls placed near each other by the same team take damage when one of them blocks an ink splat.
- Fix the issue in which bombs that are thrown near a wall do not fly straight and makes contact with the wall.
- Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.