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Una nuova patch per ZombiU

Annunciata due mesi fa, è ora disponibile.

Dopo due mesi dall'annuncio Ubisoft ha distribuito una nuova patch per ZombiU, il bellissimo survival horror che ha debuttato con Wii U.

L'aggiornamento di soli 18 mega non solo sistema alcuni problemi delle animazioni degli zombie, ma migliore il frame rate e corregge diversi bug che potenzialmente potevano inficiare la partita.

Di seguito vi riportiamo l'elenco completo, in lingua inglese:

L'aggiornamento ha una dimensione di 18mb. Di seguito un elenco delle correzioni apportate:

  • Zombies animations transitions.
  • Online messages spawned in the first section of the MAPs.
  • Scanner's start volume.
  • Uplay cricket bat Cast Shadow has been removed.
  • Optimizations of the framerate
  • On Mission 12, in the Nursery MAP, the interaction with the door in the basement of nursery was missing at rebirth if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 13, in the Gas Station MAP, a Mission object that is mandatory to complete the objective was missing if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 14, in the Circus MAP, if the player died right after recovering his Backpack, and rebooted the Wii U console, the objective was not updated.
  • On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, the Panacea disappeared after the Player died while downloading itHowever the objective remained the same (download Panacea).
  • On Mission 10, in the Tower MAP, the Objective "Secure landing site" was not validated if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, if specific steps were followed, the Player might get stuck in the Bunker after he took Doctor's eye / Panacea because a Ladder disappeared.
  • On Mission 16, in the MAP Safe House, the iron curtain in the Safe House lacked of collision during Mission 16This Bug could lead to a scoring exploit on leaderboards.
  • In the Safe House MAP, the Player saw a placeholder text when he dragged & dropped an item from the Blue Box to his holsters following certain steps.
  • On Mission 12 or 15, in the Nursery MAP, the game crashed if the Player burned the Zombi Nurse while she died.
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Luca Forte: Luca si divide tra la gestione del ruspante e l'infestare Eurogamer con i suoi giudizi sui giochi sportivi, Civilization, Fire Emblem, Persona e Football Manager. Inviato d'assalto, si diverte a rovinare le anteprime video dei concorrenti di tutto il mondo in modo da fare sembrare le sue più belle.
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Nintendo Wii U

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