Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, ecco la lista dei trofei
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A distanza di qualche tempo dall'ultimo trailer dedicato ad Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, si torna a parlare del titolo horror pensato appositamente per PlayStation VR di Supermassive Games grazie alla pubblicazione della lista dei trofei riportata da VG247.

Vediamola qui di seguito nel dettaglio:
- Haunted Lodge Survivor - Finish "Haunted Lodge"
- Nightmare Descent Survivor - Finish "Nightmare Descent"
- Hotel Hell Survivor - Finish "Hotel Hell"
- Psycho Cellblock Survivor - Finish "Psycho Cellblock"
- Ghost Town Survivor - Finish "Ghost Town"
- Mines of Death Survivor - Finish "Mines of Death"
- Final Inferno Survivor - Finish "Final Inferno"
- I bestow this fire-power - Pick up a new weapon
- Master Arsenal - Pick up all weapons
- Four Barrel Spray of Death - Dual wield shotguns
- A Storm of Bullets - Dual wield machine pistols
- Do you feel lucky? - Dual wield revolvers
- On a roll - Reach multiplier x4
- I shoot, therefore I am - Beat a previous set score on a level
- Barrel of Laughs - Kill 20 enemies with barrels
- Mostly Armless - Blast off 100 limbs
- Arachnophobia - Die from spider venom
- Head Trauma - Die from hitting head on a barrier
- For My Next Trick - Get killed by a saw blade
- Nowhere to Hide - Hit three targets with one shot from the revolver
- Spitting Lead - Hit three or more targets with a blast from the shotgun
- Haunted Lodge Killer - Finish "Haunted Lodge" on Insane
- Nightmare Descent Killer - Finish "Nightmare Descent" on Insane
- Hotel Hell Killer - Finish "Hotel Hell" on Insane
- Psycho Cellblock Killer - Finish "Psycho Cellblock" on Insane
- Ghost Town Killer - Finish "Ghost Town" on Insane
- Mines of Death Killer - Finish "Mines of Death" on Insane
- Final Inferno Killer - Finish "Final Inferno" on Insane
- Diagnosis Complete - Finish the story on any difficulty
- Secret Spotter - Collect all the skittles in one level
- Unstoppable - Reach multiplier x8
- Duck Hunter - Shoot all the moving ducks in "Haunted Lodge"
- Old School - Complete a level using only pistols
- Won Armed - Complete a level using only one hand
- Blow Your Mind - Get 100 headshots
- Dead Eye - Get >80% accuracy on a level
- Moment of Sanity - See all the "Moment of Sanity" sequences
- The Nightmare Ends - Finish the story on Psychotic
- Obsessive Collector - Collect all the skittles
Vi ricordiamo che Until Dawn: Rush of Blood è in arrivo il prossimo 13 ottobre.