Prepariamoci all'arrivo di Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth il 17 ottobre
Annunciati anche i DLC.
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth arriverà in Europa per 3DS il 17 ottobre, annuncia Gematsu.
Ecco anche la programmazione dei DLC:
October 17
- New Explorers 1 ($1.99): School Boy Uniform
- New Explorers 2 ($1.99): School Girl Uniform
- New Explorers 3 ($1.99): Lady's Sweater
October 24
- New Explorers 4 ($1.99): Etrian Odyssey 1 Protector
- New Explorers 5 ($1.99): Etrian Odyssey 1 Medic
- Wizardly Experience Quest ($1.99): Adds a new, repayable quest and an accessory that grants 3x as much EXP gains
- Wizardly Fortune Quest ($1.99): Adds a new, repayable quest and an accessory that raises the enemy drop rate to 100%
October 31
- New Explorers 6 ($1.99): Etrian Odyssey 2 Gunner
- FM Synth Arranged Sounds ($4.99): Adds a music player function. Switch the game's BGM by accessing the music player in the Options menu
E' stato inoltre rilasciato anche un video umboxing della launch edition americana.
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